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SEBA Board Class 9 English Textbook Solution


SEBA Board Class 9 English Textbook Solution for Class 9 English Chapter 2 – The Road Not Taken 


Additional Questions and Answers

(অতিৰিক্ত প্ৰশ্ন উত্তৰ)

       1.    Names the poet of the poem “The road not taken’’.

Answer:    Robert Frost is the poet of the poem ‘The road not taken’

       2.   Why did The Poet opted that road?

   Answer:  the poet opted for that road because it was more Grassy and seemed better.

      3.   What was   the poet’s doubt?

Answer:  The poet’s doubt was that if would ever come back to adopt the first   road.

      4.   Which road did the poet choose?

Answer:  The poet Choose the less travelled road.

      5.   What made all the difference?

Answer:  The poet’s decision made all the difference.

      6.   What do the roads represent in the poem?

Answer:  In the poem roads represent the problem of decision –making. Human beings suffer because of their choice and decision.

Thinking about the Poem


I. 1.Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?

Answer: The traveler find himself at a place where two roads diverge his problem is to decide on which road he should walk. 

       2.   Discuss what these phrases mean to you.

(i)                         A yellow wood

    Answer:  A yellow wood means a forest in the autumn     season.

(ii)                     It was grassy and wanted wear

     Answer:  It means that the road had grass because it was travelled road, it wanted traveler to move on it.

(iii)                  The passing three

     Answer:  It was walking on the road.

(iv)                  Leaves no step had trodden black

   Answer:   It means that the leaves had not been crushed under the of traveler.

(v)                      How way leads on to a way

  Answer:  It means how one road leads two another road.

     3.   Is there any different between the two roads as the poet describe them.

(i)                         In stanzas two and there?

  Answer:   in stanzas two and there is no difference between the two roads.

(ii)                     In the last two lines of the poem.

Answer:   In the last two lines of the poem the poet that the  choose the less travelled road.

   4.   What do you think the last two lines of poem mean? (looking back, does the poet regret is choice of accept it. )

Answer:   through the last two lines of the poem the poet expresses his opinion that it becomes difficult for a moral to change decision. The poet intended to walk on the first road but he couldn’t do so because life does not offer multiple chances to choose the arrear.

  The poet now repents for not getting a chances travel on the first road.

II. 1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choice to make.)? How will you make the choice for what lessons?

Answer:    The problem of making choice occurs in everybody’s life. In today’s world people have many alternatives. But the   decision should be taken after considering all the merits and demerits of the situation. 

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