Amanda. Class 10 English Amanda Question Answer .

 Class 10 English Amanda Question Answer .  Class 10 English Addition Question Answer Solution . 



Thinking about the Poem :

    1. How old you think Amanda is ? how do you know this ?

Ans:- From the activities of Amanda , it seems that she is a very small girl . Her activities prove that she is a girl in between four and five years of age . All her activities like biting nails and moving her shoulders show her childlike behavior .


       2. Who do you think is speaking to her ?

Ans:-  The poet of the poem is spesking to Amanda.


        3. Why are Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis ?

Ans:- The Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis because this are the replies of Amanda to the poet . They have specific answers and it reveals  Amanda’s nature and mood .


       4. Who is the speaker in Stanzas 2, 4 and 6 ? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in Stanzas 1, 3, 5 and 7 ?

Ans:-  In Stanzas 2, 4, and 6, the speaker is the little girl Amanda . She is replying in her own way to the piece of advice given in stanzas 1, 3, 5 and 7 . Amanda does not want to live in other place except her present dwelling .


      5. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid ?

Ans:-  Amanda could move about in the green sea blissfully  if she were a mermaid .


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        6. Is Amanda an orphan ? why does she say so ?

Ans:- Amanda as an orphan, in fact Amanda is not an orphan but she says so because is wandering in the street .

        7. Do you know the story of Rapunzel ? Why does she want to be Rapunzel ?

Ans:- Yes I know the story of Rapunzel .

                  Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she wants to lead a carefree life . According to her life in a tower is calm and rare .


       8. What does the girl yearn for ? What does this poem tell you about Amanda ?

Ans:- The girl yearns for complete freedom .

                          The poem tell us that Amanda is a moody girl of little age . She does not want to be interrogated by others .


       9. Read the last stanza . Do you think Amanda is sulling and moody ?

Ans:- The last stanza reveals that Amanda is seems to be a moody girl . But Amanda is not at all sulky . She has mind and has her own views and feelings . Amanda want to enjoy a peaceful life .



Addition Question Answers :

      1.  Who was Amanda ?

Ans:- Amanda is girl . She felt her self as an orphan .


      2. Who wrote the poem Amanda ? What is Amanda to remember ?

Ans:- The poem ‘Amanda’ was composed by Robin klein .

                 Amanda was asked to remember her acne .


      3.  Where does the Amanda roam ? what does she do with her bare feet ? [ HSLC – 2018 ]

Ans:- Amanda, the imaginative girl, roams the street .

                   She patterns soft dust with her hushed, bare feet .


     4. How did Amanda describe her life as an orphan ?

Ans:- According to Amanda she was an orphan . She roamed about the street and walked on the surface . She created patterns on the soft dust by  her bare feet . She found the freedom . Silence was golden for her .  She loved both  silence and freedom .


      5. How does the speaker find Amanda to be in the end ?

Ans:- The speaker finds that Amanda is sulking  and moody .


      6.  What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid ? [ HSLC – 2015 ]

Ans:- Amanda could move about in the green sea blissfully  if she were a mermaid .


      7.    How do we know that Amanda was a teenager ?  [ HSLC – 2015 ]

Ans:- In the poem, the poet Robin klein mentions that Amanda bites her nails, eats chocolates, sulks and remains moody. From this, we know that Amanda is a teenager .


       8.    How is old Amanda ? How do you know it ? [ HSLC – 2016 - 2019 ]

Ans:- From the activities of Amanda , it seems that she is a very small girl . Her activities prove that she is a girl in between four and five years of age . All her activities like biting nails and moving her shoulders show her childlike behavior .


      9.   Is Amanda a student ? How do you know ? [ HSLC  - 2017 – 200 ]

Ans:- Yes, Amanda is a Student .

                  It is clear from the fact that her mother is asking her to do her homework .


Class 10 English All Chapter Solution .

      Published  By Lokesh Das

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