Animals. Class 10 English Animals Question Answer.

Class 10 English Addition Question Answer Solution . 


Class 10 English All Chapter Solution .




      1.    Mention there things that human do and animals don’t .

Ans:- The three things that are done by human beings but not by animals are –

(i)                         Human weep for his sins but the animals do not weep .

(ii)                     Human feel troubled for doing their duties to God but the animals dont .

(iii)                  Human always murmur at their sad condition but animals are not .


     2.   Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago ? Discuss this in groups .

Ans:- Yes, human kneels to other human who lived thousands of years ago. Indian people follow their old rituals, customs and religious rites. The people of our country showing respect to elders and to their ancestors.

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Addition Question Answers:

    1.   Who is the poet of the poem Animals.

Ans:- The poem Animals is composed by Walt Whitman .


      2.   What are the main theme of the poem Animals?

Ans:- Through the poem Animals the poet present a message that animals are complete in every respect. The animals are not selfish and cruel like human beings. The people must learn lesson from animals.


      3.   Why do you think the poet could turn and live with animals rather than with humans ?

Ans:- The animals are peace loving and self contained. They neither weep for their sins nor complain of their unfavorable conditions. In short, the poet finds the animals possess better qualities than human beings. So, the poet thinks to turn away from the life of  human to more satisfied life of animals.


     4.   How are animals different from the humans about owning thinks or kneeling to another ?

Ans:- Animals are different from human beings. They do not act madly in owing material things like human. The animals do not kneel to another as the human do for their benefit or safety.


      5.   How does the poet look at the animals ?

Ans:- According to the poet the animals are more human and possess better qualities than human beings. They all happy and content. They neither weep for their sins nor complain of their   unfavorable conditions like human . They even do not disturb the poet by discussing their duties about God.


     6.   How do the animals accept their condition ? [ HSLC – 2017 ]

Ans:- Animals are never dis-satisfied about their condition. They never feel any kind of problem regarding this. They are satisfied with whatever they get or achieve. They are not mad with the mania of owning things .


    7.   Why does the poet feel more at home with animals than with humans ? [ HSLC – 2015-19 ]

Ans:- The poet feels more at home with animals than with humans because he finds them complicated and false. He prefers to live with animals because he finds them self contained and non complaining .

Class 10 English All Chapter Solution .

      Published  By Lokesh Das

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