Fog. Class 10 English Poem Fog Lesson Question Answers .


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Thinking about the Poem :

        1.   (i) What does Sandburg think the fog is like ?

Ans:- The poet Sandburg thinks the fog is like a cat .

     (ii) How does the fog come ?

Ans:-  The fog comes silently like a cat .

     (iii) What does ‘it’ in the third line refer to ?

Ans:- In the third line, ‘it’ refers to ‘fog’

    (iv) Does the poet actually say that the fog is like a cat ? Find three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat.

Ans:- The following points can tell as that the fog is like a cat.

(a)           Fog comes on little cat feet.

(b)          Fog sits looking silently on haunches.

(c)           Fog moves away.


           2.   You know that a metaphor compares two things by transferring a feature of one thing to the other.

(i)                         Find the metaphors for the following words and complete the table below. Also try to say how they are alike. The first is done for you.



Pounces over the fields, growls



















Flood, Tsunami

Ruins instantly, completely destructs


Knowledge, wisdom

Provide knowledge and makes good habit and quantity .



Look after, take care, breeds.



(ii)                     think about a storm. Try to  visualize the force of the storm, hear the sound of the storm, feel the power of the storm and the sudden calm that happens afterwards. Write a poem about the storm comparing it with an animal.


A Storm


A storm and a tiger are alike

Both are violent and ferocious in nature

A storm come suddenly and ruins

Everything instantly .

A tiger also attack his prey suddenly

And kills instantly.

Both are look very dangerous

May God save us from both of them.



          3.   Does this poem have a rhyme scheme ? Poetry that does not have an obvious rhythm or rhyme is called ‘free verse’ .

Ans:- This poem have no rhyming scheme . so, this poem is a free verse .



Addition Questions and Answers :


         4.   Who is the poet of the poem ‘Fog’ ?

Ans:- Carl Sandburg is the poet of the poem ‘Fog’ .


        5.   What is a harbor and how is it related to fog ?

Ans:- Harbor is a sea pot. The fog sits looking over the harbor and city like a cat and then moves on.


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      6.   What does ‘it’ in the third line of the poem refer to ?

Ans:- In the third line of the poem ‘it’ refers to the cat and the fog .


     7.   Does the poet actually say that the fog is like a cat ?

Ans:- The poet does not actually say that the fog is like a cat. He means it through a metaphor.



       8.   Does this poem have a rhyme scheme ? Poetry that does not have an obvious rhythm or rhyme is called ‘free verse’ .

Ans:- The poem ‘fog’ does not have any rhyme scheme . it is a free verse.


       9.   How is the fog like a cat ? what three things suggest it ?

Ans:- The fog is shown by the poet like a cat who is a living being. He does so through a metaphor . The fog becomes a cat then it as- sums that structure. The fog looks over harbor and city. Thirdly, it moves like a cat.


        10.                     What does Sandburg (poet) think the fog is like ?

Ans:- Carl Sandburg things that the fog is like a little cat that comes creeping sits on its haunches and disappears suddenly.


       11.                     How does the fog come ?

Ans:- The fog, according to the poet, comes silently and stealthily like a little cat.

Class 10 English All Chapter Solution .

      Published  By Lokesh Das

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