Madam Rides The Bus. Class 10 English Madam Rides The Bus Question Answer NCERT.


 Class 10 English Tea From Assam Question Answer NCERT .



Madam Rides The Bus

Oral Comprehension Check – 1

      1.   What was Valli favourite pastime ? [ HSLC – 2016 ]

Ans:- Valli favourite pastime was to stand on the front doorway of her house and watchthe happenings in the street outside .

      2.   What was a source of unending joy for valli ? What was her strongest desire ?

Ans:- Valli was deeply attracted toward the bus that ply between her village to the nearest town. The sight of the bus and the passengers had been the source of unending joy for Valli .

     Her strongest desire was to ride in the bus .


        3.   What did valli find out about the bus journey ? how did she find out these details .

Ans:- Valli used to look at the faces of the daily passengers of the bus. Sometime she listened to the conversation held between her neighbors and the passengers. Sometime Valli also asked question to them about bus journey. Thus she found out the details.


       4.   What do you think valli was planning to do ?

Ans:- Valli was planning to travel in the bus. She was an intelligent girl. She was calculating the needed for her bus journey. It came to her mind to take the afternoon bus of one oclock, then she would reform by two forty five as the trip of the town took forty five minutes.  


Oral Comprehension Check – 2

       1.   Why does the conductor call Valli Madam ?

Ans:-  The conductor was a jolly sort of person and he was much fond of joking. He called valli madam to please her. The conductor had judged the temperament of this little girl .


      2.   Why was Valli stand up on the seat ? What does she see now ?

Ans:-  Valli had a strong  desire to see everything outside the bus with her own eyes . So, she stands up on her seat and started to look outside. Valli saw that the bus was going alomg the  bank of a canal and beyond that there were plam trees, mountains and green fields.


     3.   What does Valli tell the eldery man when he calls her a child ?

Ans:- Valli did not want to be called herself a child . On hearing herself as a child, Valli pleased that there was no child. Like anyone else of the passengers she had also paid thirty paisa as fare .


     4.   What did not Valli want to make friends with the elderly women ?

Ans:- Valli greatly disliked the elderly woman for her big holes in the ears and also her ugly earrings . The elderly women was chewing betel-nut and its juice could fall at any moment . besides that the woman was putting some irrelevant questions to Valli, which was totally disliked by Valli . Due to bad habits, Vally did not want to make friend with her .


Oral Comprehension Check – 3

      1.   How did Valli save up money for her first journey ? Was  it easy for her ?

Ans:-Valli saved her every penny to have  a ride in the bus. She resisted every temptation to buy balloons, toys, peppermint and like others. Valli even controlled herself to have a ride on the merry-go-round at the village fair. Thus she hsd save up money for her first journey . It was not easy for. It was very troublesome.


     2.   What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh ?

Ans:- During her journey, there came a young cow in front of the running bus . The driver slowed down the bus and sounded the horn very loudly . But more he horned, the more it got frightened and galloped faster . This incident made Valli laugh .


       3.   Why did not she get off the bus at the bus station ?

Ans:- Valli did not get off the bus when the bus stopped at the station. Because she would turn back to her village by the same bus . Valli even refused to see the sghts and the cold drink . Actually Valli was afraid to move alone in an unknown place .


     4.   Why did not Valli want to go to the stall and have a drink ? What does this tell you about her ?

Ans:- Valli did not want to go to the stall and have a drink because she was afraid in an unknown place and also she was alone . Again Valli and money only for the bus fare . This tells us that Valli could control her feelings and she was a very intelligent girl .


Textual Questions and Answers


Thinking about the Text :


    1.   What was Vallis deepest desire ? Find the words and phrases in the story that tell you this .

Ans:- Vallis deepest desire was to enjoy a bus ride . There  ply a bus between her village and the nearest town Valli was able to fulfill her desire .

              The following word and phrases tells us about this – The fascinating things , the sight of the bus, a source of unending joy, overwhelming desire, listening carefully, etc.


    2.    How did Valli plan her bus ride ? What did she find out about the bus, and how did she save up the fare ?

Ans:- Valli had the keenest desire to have a bus ride . So, she listened the conversation between her neighbor and the regular bus passengers . She even questioned them about the bus . Thus she gathered knowledge about the bus fare and duration of time . There ran a bus between her village and the nearest town . The fare was thirty – paisa for one way . So, Valli had to collect sixty paisa for the both side journey . For that she resisted all her temptation of buying balloms, toys, chocolates and soon save money . Valli even avoided the swing in the merry-go-round at the village fair . Thus she collected her bus fare and fulfilled her desire .

      3.   What kind of a person is Valli ? To answer this Question, pick out the following sentences from he text and fill in the blanks. The words you fill in are the clues to your answer .   

(i)                         Stop the bus ! Stop the bus! And a tiny hand was raised –

Ans:- Stop the bus ! Stop the bus! And a tiny hand was raised commandingly.


(ii)                     Yes, I ___ go to town, said Valli, still standing outside the bus .

Ans:-Yes, I simply have to  go to town, said Valli, still standing outside the bus .


(iii)                  there s nobody her __ she said haughtily, Ive paid my thirty paisa like anyone else.

Ans:- there s nobody her whos a child she said haughtily, Ive paid my thirty paisa like anyone else.


(iv)                  never Mind, she said, I can __ . You dont have to help me .

Ans:- never Mind, she said, I can get on myself . You dont have to help me .

  Im not a child, I tell you, she said irritably .

(v)                      You neednt bother about me . I ____, Valli said, turning her face toward the window and starting out .

Ans:- You neednt bother about me . I can take care of myself, Valli said, turning her face toward the window and starting out .  


(vi)                  Then she turned to the conductor and said, Well, Sir, I hope ___ . 

Ans:- Then she turned to the conductor and said, Well, Sir, I hope to see you again  . 



       4.   Why does the conductor refer to Valli as Madam ?

Ans:- The conductor has evaluated that the girl has innocence and ignorance in her behavior . The conductor was a fun loving fellow . So, in order to enjoy a fun and to make her unhappy, he calls Vallis as Madam though she is simply a eight years old girl .


     5.    Find the lines in the text which tell you thatValli was enjoying her ride on the bus .

Ans:- The lines are –

(i)                         While the bus was moving on a narrow road along the bank of a canal, she saw distant mountains, fields, sky and so on. She went on seeing as far as her eyes could see. She uttered, Oh it was all so wonderful.

(ii)                     The bus was rolling across a bare landscape and was gobbling up another vehicle . The bus left everything safely. Valli suddenly clap her hands with gree .

(iii)                  There came a cow,  it ran faster and came right before the bus . This scheme made her laugh until there were tears her eyes.

(iv)                  The bus passed the sopping Street. There were displays of clothes and other merchandise ! Such a big crowed  .


      6.   Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back ?

Ans:- Valli saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside while on she way back to her village . If looked horrible and there was a fixed stare in lifeless eyes of the cow with blood all over . Its memory haunted her very much and she lost her enthusiasm and excitement. So she no longer wanted to look out of the window.


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      7.   What does Valli mean when she says, I was just agreeing with what you said about things happening without our knowledge.

Ans:- After her bus journey, Valli entered her house and she found that her mother conversing with her aunts. Valli overheard their discussion on the things happing in the world. All of them could know about everything. Even some of them could not be understood by them. At this moment, Valli opined likewise and told that many things were happing without their knowledge. That is Valli meant that, her bus journey were unknown to her mother.

      8.   The author describes the things that valli sees from and eight-year-olds point of view. Can you find evidence from the text for this statement ?

Ans:- The author has rightly described many things from and  eight-year-olds Valli point of view . The evidence of this statement can be mentioned as ---

(i)                         On seeing her on of her friends describing the sights, Valli would shout, Proud! Proud!

(ii)                     From the regular passengers, Valli would asked a few discreet questions .

(iii)                  I can get on by myself . You do not have to help me.

(iv)                  Ugh! Who could be sociable with such  a person.

(v)                      No, no one will be look in for me, she said .  


Additional Question and Answers

       1.   Who was Valli ? How she different from other children ?

Ans:- Valli was an eight-year-old girl who lived in a village with her mother. Other children of her age enjoyed playing games while she enjoyed watching the street .


      2.   What was Valli Tiny wish ?

Ans:- Valli tiny wish was to ride on the bus .


      3.   What do you think Valli was planning to do ?

Ans:- Valli was planning to ride on the bus . She could take the one-oclock afternoon bus and returned home at about two-forty five p.m.


       4.   Why does the conductor call Valli Madam ?

Ans:- The conductor call Valli Madam because she behaves like a grownup lady .


     5.   That type of man was the  conductor ? Why was Valli avoiding everyones eyes ?

Ans :- The conductor was a jolly man and he was fond of joking. Valli was avoiding everyones eyes because she felt that all passengers were laughing a her. Valli was overcome with shyness and tried to avoiding everybodys eye.


       6.  What was the fill name of Valli ?

Ans:- The fil name of  Valli was  Valliammai .


       7.   Why does the Valli stand up on the seat ? What does shesee now ?

Ans:- Valli stands up on the seat because she could not see outside .

          Now, she sees the canal and others things beyond it .



       8.   Why did Valli find the old woman who sat beside her in the bus absolutely repulsive ?

Ans:- The old woman had big holes in her ear lobes and wore ugly earrings. Valli could even smell the betel nut the woman was chewing . She found the woman absolutely repulsive as she looked too ugly for her .


      9.   What did Valli see on her way that  made her lough ? [ HSLC – 2017 – 20 ]

Ans:-      On her way . Valli saw a young cow, tail high in the air which was running fast in front of the bus . The driver sounded the horn loudly, but the more the driver honked, the more frightened the animal became and the faster it galloped, always right in front of the bus. This, somehow was very funny to Valli and made her laugh very much .


      10.        What was the source of unending joy for Valli ? What was her overwhelming desire ? [HSLC-2018]

Ans:-  The sight of the bus filled each  time with a   new   set  of   passengers  was   thesource  of   unending   joy   for  valli.

Her overwhelming  desire  was  to ride the bus, even if just once.

Class 10 English All Chapter Solution .

      Published  By Lokesh Das

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