Tea From Assam. Class 10 English Tea From Assam Question Answer NCERT .

 Class 10 English Tea From Assam Question Answer NCERT .

Tea From Assam

        1.   Who was Pranjal ?

Ans:- Pranjal  was a youngster of Assam .


      2.   Who was Rajvir ?

Ans:- Rajvir was a Pranjal’s classmate .


     3.   Who was Mr. Baruah ?

Ans:- Mr. Baruah was a Manager of a tea – garden in upper Assam .


       4.   Where are Rajvir and Pranjal going to ?

Ans:- Rajvir and Pranjal going to Dekiabari tea Estate, a tea garden in upper Assam .


       5.   Why did not Pranjal share the excitement of Rajvir on seeing a tea garden ?

Ans:- Pranjal didn’t share  the excitement rajvir on seeing  a tea garden as he was born and brought up on the garden .


       6.   What did Rajvir and Pranjal both side see once the gravel road ?

Ans:- Rajvir and Pranjal on both sides of the gravel road were acre upon acre of tea bushes, all neatly pruned to the same height .  Groups of tea pluckers, with bamboo baskets, an their backs, wearing plastic aprons, were plunking the newly sprouted leaves.


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      7.   What is the Indian legend about discovery of tea ?

Ans:- According to Indian legend, an ancient Buddist ascetic, Bodhidharma, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditation . Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids .  The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished sleep .


     8.   When did tea came to Europe ? Why did the Europeans drink tea when it first came to Europe ?

Ans:- Tea came to Europe in the sixteenth century .

                 The Europeans, When they took tea  first, regarded it more as a medicine than as beverage .


      9.   Give a description of the magnificent view of tea garden seen by Rajvir from the railway train . [ HSLC – 2017 ]

Ans:- It was green, green anywhere . As the train moved on, the green paddy fields gave way to the bushes . Against the backdrop of densely wooded hills, a sea of tea bushes stretched as far as the eye could see . These were tall shade trees amides the tiny tea plants . Rajvir also sow the orderly rows of bushes .


        10.              Give a description of Dekiabari tea-garden as seen by Pranjal and Rajvir when they were driven through it . [ HSLC – 2016 -22 ]

Ans:- When Pranjal and Rajvir Crossed the cattle bridge they saw acre upon acre of tea bushes on both sides of the gravel road . The tea bushes were neatly pruned to the same height .  Groups of tea pluckers were plucking the newly sprouted leaves . Each of them were wearing plastic aprons and carrying bamboo baskets on their back .


       11.           What is the Chinese legend regarding discovery of tea ?

Ans:- According to the Chinese legend, One about the Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it . One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into yhe water giving it a delicious flavor . It is said the leaves were tea leaves .   


     12.       Narrate briefly Rajvir’s remarks on the discovery of tea and the legends that surround it .

Ans:- There is an Indian and a Chinese legend regarding the discovery of tea .

       According to Indian legend, an ancient Buddist ascetic, Bodhidharma, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditation . Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids .  The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished sleep .

                     According to the Chinese legend, One about the Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it . One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavor . It is said the leaves were tea leaves .   


     13.            Whether the following statements are True or False – [ HSLC – 2018 ]

(i)                         Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as a medicine than as beverage . 

(ii)                     Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as beverage than as medicine.

Ans:- (i)   True .

          (ii) False .

14.                    Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence

No one really knows who discovered tea but ------

(i)                         There are two legends

(ii)                     There is one legends

(iii)                  There are many legends

Ans: (iii) There are many legends .


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      Published  By Lokesh Das

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