The Ball Poem. Class 10 English The Ball Poem Question Answer .


Class 10 English Tea From Assam Question Answer NCERT .



Thinking about the poem :

          1.     Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him?” why does not he offer him money to buy another ball ?

Ans:- The poet is of the opinion that the boy has become matured enough  to sense his own responsibility. According to poet, it is no use to enter into other’s privilege. The poet does not want to offer him money because the boy should know its value and responsibility.


              2.       “ … staring down/All his young days into the harbor where/ His ball went …”

Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time ? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it ?

Ans:- Yes, the boy has had the ball for a long time.  In his young days the boy played into the harbor where his ball went. It is linked to the memories of days where he played with the ball.


             3.     What does “in the world of possessins” mean ?

Ans:- the whole world is full of possessions. All human beings try to accumulated different articles as it is a natural tendency. In the same manner the boy also desires to have his old ball .


         4.     Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier ? Pick out the words that suggest the answer .

Ans:- The boy has lost something earlier for which he is much yroubled now. The following line shows it – The epistemology of loss, how to understand.


         5.     What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.

Ans:- The poet wants to stress to fact that one must feel his/her responsibility. We must understand the value of goods. The poet desires that the boy should understand the nature of the loss. That is, a loss of ball means loss of money and money is earned only after hard work.


           6.     Have you ever lost something you liked very much ? Write a paragraph describing how you felt then, and saying whether and – how – you got over your loss.

Ans;- Write yourselves.


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Addition Questions and Answers :

         1.     What were the boys reaction to the loss of his ball ?

Ans:- The boy’s reaction to the loss of his ball shows that he was very attached to the lost ball and was very upset on losing it.


            2.     What does the poet want to convey through the poem ? 

Ans:- Through the poem, the poet wants to convey about the importance of loss and realizing one’s responsibility. The poet tells that money is external and we should feel the importance of goods.


        3.     What is the first responsibility of the boy ?

Ans:- The first responsibility of the boy is to look after his belongings.


         4.     What does the poet wants the boy to learn ?

Ans:-The poet wants the boy to learn that the lessos and gains are part of life.

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      Published  By Lokesh Das

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