The Tale Of Custard The Dragon. Class 10 English The Tale Of Custard The Dragon Question Answer.


 Class 10 English Tea From Assam Question Answer NCERT .


The Tale Of Custard The Dragon


Thinking about the poem :

       1.     Who are the characters in this poem ? List them with their pet name .

Ans:- There are five characters in this poem. Belinda is a girl. In other four characters are listed below along with their pet name.


Pet name

       1.     A black kitten


      2.     A grey mouse


     3.     A yellow dog


     4.     A dragon



            2.     Why did custard cry for a nice cage ? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon” ?

Ans:- The Custard cried for nice cage because of safety. In a cage the Custard desired peace and has contentment there.

              The Custard is a cowardly dragon because it always cries for nice cage.

        3.     “Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful..” Why ?

Ans:- Belinda gets much enjoyment in trickling the dragon. She wants that the dragon should leave his cowardly nature. So, she troubles, insite and encourages the dragon to show his bravery.


          4.     The poet has employed many poetic devices in the poem. For example : “Chased his tail like iron in a dungeon.” – the poetic device here is a simile. Can you, with your partner, some more such poetic decides used in them.

Ans:- Some examples of simile that used in the poem are –

(i)              Mouth like a fireplace

(ii)           As brave as tiger

(iii)        As brave as a barrel of bears


         5.     Read Stanza there again to know how the poet describe the appearance of the dragon.

Ans:- The poet describes that the dragon has big sharp teeth and has spikes on its top. Below its body there are scales. The poet has compared its mouth with a fireplace and nose with a chimney. There are daggers on his toes. But the dragon is very coward and always cries for a nice safe cage.


        6.     Can you find out the rhyme scheme of two or there stanzas of the poem ?

Ans:-  This poem is written in the style of aballad. The poet has used a fine rhyme scheme in the poem.


       7.     Writers use words to give us a picture or image without actually saying what they mean. Can you trace some images used in the poem ?

Ans:- Some of the words showing the images that used in the poem can be given in the following –

(i)                          Big sharp teeth

(ii)                       Mouth like fireplace

(iii)                    Tail like iron

(iv)                     Chimney for a nose

(v)                        Snorting like an engine


      8.     Do you find The Tale of Custard the Dragon to be serious or a light-hearted poem ? Give reasons to support your answer.

Ans:-  The poem “ The Tale of Custard the Dragon ” is a light-hearted poem. It creates humor and entertains the readers. The poem has five rhyme scheme. If the poem is once started, it will be read up to the end. The poem is attractive to the listeners.

        9.     This poem in ballad from, tells a story. Have you come across any such modern song or lyric that tell a story? If you know one, tell it to the class. Collect such songs as a project.

Ans:- Do yourselves.


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Addition Question Answers:

          1.     What did Belinda’s pet believe?

Ans:- Belinda’s pet believe that they themselves were more brave than the Custard, the dragon.


         2.     Why did Belinda cry for help ?

Ans:- Belinda cried for help because she saw the pirate with a pistol in his hand.


        3.     What did the pirate do when the dragon faced him ?


How did Custard the dragon save Belinda from the pirate ? [ HSLC-2020]

Ans:- One day, a pirate with pistols entered Belinda’s house . Seeing  the pirate all the animals except the dragon ran away. The pirate looked at the dragon . the dragon wanted to terrify him by his ugly look. The pirate swallowed some liquor from his pocket . He fired two bullets to the dragon. But they did not hit the dragon. The dragon faced him boldly. At last, he made the pirate into pieces and ate him up. In this way he saved Belinda from the pirate.


          4.     Give a description of Custard, the pet dragon .


How the poet describes the appearance of the dragon ?

Ans:- Custard looked like a real dragon . He had big sharp teeth. He also had spikes on top and scales underneath. His mouth was like a fireplace and his nose was like a chimney. He had daggers on his toes. These made Custard a dragon.

       5.     How was Custard dragon received after he had killed the pirate ? [ HSLC – 2018]

Ans:- After the killing of the pirate by Custard, the dragon, Belinda embraced Custard in joy. Mustard, the dog, licked him. Ink and blink did gyrate in glee around Custard.

       6.     How did Belinda and her pets behave when they saw the pirate climbing the window ? [ HSLC – 2019 ]

Ans:- Belinda and her pets behaved differently when they saw the pirate. Belinda paled due to fear and cried for help. Mustard ran away barking fearfully. Ink went to  hide in the bottom of the house. Blink ran into a hole in no time. Only the little dragon who was called a coward had the courage to face the pirate. He jumped forward and swallowed him completely .


          7.     Give a description of the fight between Custard dragon and the pirate ? [ HSLC – 2019 ]

Ans:- When Custard dragon saw the pirate he jumped snorting like an engine, clashed his tails like irons in a dungeon and went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon and gulped some grog from his pocket flagon. The pirate fired two bullets at the dragon but they did not hit him. Then Custard swallowed the pirate completely.


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      Published  By Lokesh Das

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