EASY WRITTING SOCIAL MEDIA. Essay on social media 200 words

Q . Write a three paragraph essay in 200 words on social media.

                                                               EASY WRITTING

                                                               SOCIAL MEDIA                 
INTRODUCTION- Social media is an online platfform for online social interection. Some top media is compaines are facebook, instagram, youtube, twiter etc. Social media playes significent role in our lives today.

ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA- Social media has much advantages. It has changed the day way of our life. We able to learn many new things from social media. It provides us the ability to discover what all is happening around us, enables us to connect with our friends and families. It helps to educate students on various topics what are unknown to them. It serves as a hub for a buisnessmen where they can sale their products and services by reaching  out to a large number of customers. People who are talented in using social media platforms for show casing their talents, they can get opportunityof job.

DISADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA- Social media is not with out its drawbacks. Now a days, the younger generation is badly affected by social media. As a result, they are gradually with drawing from the world of study and sports.Otherwise social media also spreads some false news. Such false news causes terrible problems in society. These are the disadvantages of social media.

CONCLUSION- We should use social media properly. Social media helps us to develop our selves in our lives. We should eliminate the bad sides of social. Only then we can succeed in life.

                                                                                                                 WRITTEN BY ASIM KALITA
                                                                                                  INSTAGRAM PROFILE- asim_kalita_ 

                                                                 EASSY WRITTING

                                                                     BOOK FAIR

INTRIDUCTION- Book fair is a fair of books. Books are human's best friend.it's gives us knowledges. Books are a source of knowledge. Everybody says "One day everyone will leave you, but a book will always be stands by you. So books are called the best friend of human being.

WHAT IS BOOK FAIR- Book fair is a source of books where we can buy our favourite books. Book fair introduces many books of differnt subjects in one place. The books which are introduced in book fair are sold in low prices as their actual price. Every year the fair held in different places. Many chief guest visit there and they unvail the newly published books, Many publishers are also visit there.


IT'S IMPORTANCE- Book fair has much importances. It increases the scope of our knowledge. We able to get knowledges  if we go there. We able to know about the books and their writters through book fair. So we should go to the fair for to get knowledge.

MY EXPERIENCE- Thre days ago, I went to the Guwahati book fair which started from last week. Many chief guest came there and they delivered their valuable speech. They said that books are the mirrors of society. A large number of publishers were visited there mainly from Assam, Nagaland, Bihar, West bengal etc. On the first day, five books of eminent writers were unvailed by the governor of Assam. There were a large number of book lovers gathering there. I abled to learn many new things.

CONCLUSION- Book fair is a very important part for society. It helps us to improve our knowledge in our life. i felt very happy to go to the book fair. I suggest every one to go to book fair because it helps to increase knowledges.

                                                                                                                 WRITTEN BY ASIM KALITA

                                                                                                      INSTAGRAM PROFILE- asim_kalita_


                                                        EASSY WRITTING 

                                                            AIM IN LIFE

INTRODUCTION- Every person must have an aim in life. An aimless life is useless. So there should be aim in our life. Only an aimful person get success in life without a aim, a men is like a wanderor.


MY AIM IN LIFE- Student's life is the foundation of human's future life. So this period is the proper time of choosing Aims of our life. I have also choosen a goal in life. My goal is to because a teacher.


REASON OF CHOOSING IT- Education is a foundation of human's progress. It is the major index of human development. Education makes people's life beautiful. This beauty only possible through a teacher. So, I have choosen teaching as my goal in my life. Teaching is noble profession. A teacher is a builder of society. Dr. Sarbapalli Radhakrishnan said,"SA teacher is like a candle that burns itself and gives lights to others".Teaching is a great profession and i likes teaching very much. I want to serve people by teaching. These are the reasons of my choice. 


CONCLUSION- In short, having an aim helps the person grow and rich success. It is essential to set a goal and timely execute with positive mint to achive success. I shall try my best to fulfil my aim. I am working very hard to complete my aim in life.

                                                                                                                  WRITTEN BY ASIM KALITA     

                                                                                                      INSTAGRAM PROFILE- asim_kalita_         

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