Q-Write a story in about 150 words using the outline given below and add a title to it. . A boy falls into bad company ------ fathers gives him a few good apples ------ places arotten apple among them ------ a fey days later the rotten apple spoils the good ones --lesson learnt.

                                                              STORY WRITTING

Q-Write a story in about 150 words using the outline given below and add a title to it.

1. A boy falls into bad company ------ fathers gives him a few good apples ------ places arotten apple among them ------ a fey days later the rotten apple spoils the good ones --lesson learnt.

Ans-                                    THE EFFORTS OF BAD COMPANY

Once, a gentleman lived in a village. He had only one son. The gentleman hoped that his only son would become a good citizen. But his mother passed away in his small age. The boy became a spoilt child. He was given to bad company. He passed his days in the company of the wicked children of the village.His father was very sad for his son. He always advised his sons to keep away from the company. It was his obligation to understood his child. But the gentle man unsuccesd. 

                       One day the gentleman bought a few good apples from the market near their house. He told his sons that he would give him some apples to eat next morning.  But the gentle man placed a rotten apple among the good apples. In the morning, the boy saw that all apples were rotten when he was going to eat apple. All the good apples were rotten only for one roptten apple.

                      The boy understood everything and realizes the bad effect of keeping bad company. From that day, he left the bad company and promised that he would became a dutiful boy.


                                                                                                                  WRITTEN BY ASIM KALITA

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