THE LAST LESSON . Previous Year Question Answers . AHSEC .The last lesson Important Questions 2023 .




1.Why did little Franz want to spend his day out of doors ? [HS - 2012]

Ans- Little Franz wanted to spend his day out of doors for two reasons :

      i)       He was very late for school.

     ii)    His teacher M. Hamel was to ask them questions on participles, but he did not know even single wod about it.

2. What are M.Hamel’s view about the French language ? [HS- 2012, 13, 16]

Ans-According to M.Hamel  French was the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language, and therefore it should be guarded and should not be forgotten by them.

1.‘I started for school very late that morning’ who is the ‘I’ here ? [hs- 2012, 14]

Ans- ‘ I’ refers here to little Franz.

2. What did M. Hamel do when he wanted to go on a holiday ? [HS- 2013]

Ans – Whenever M. Hamel wanted to go on a holiday he gave his students also a holiday.

3. What did M. Hamel write at the end of the class ? [HS- 2015]

Ans – M. Hamel wrote ‘Vive La Franch’ at the end of the class.

4.What did Franz think ‘For a moment’ ? [HS - 2016]

Ans:- For a moment Franz thougt of running away and spending the day out of his classroom .

5.What was written in the new copies brought by M. Hamel for the students in a beautiful round hand ?                                                             [HS- 2017]

Ans – In the new copies that M. Hamel brought for the students there was written the words ‘France, Alsace’ in a beautiful round hand.

6.What is the name of the blacksmith in ‘The Last Lesson’ ? [HS 2018]

Ans- The name of the blacksmith in ‘The Last Lesson’ is Wachter.

7.What is name of the river mentioned in ‘The Last Lesson’ ? [HS 2019]

Ans- The name of the river mentioned in ‘The Last Lesson’ is Saar.

8.What did Franz see when he passed the own hall ? [HS - ]

Ans- The Franz passed the town hall he saw a crowd in front of the bulletin board.

9.What was the order that come from Berlin that day ?

Ans- The order that came from Berlin was to teach only German in the schools of Alasace and Lorraine.

10.What did M. Hamel say he would ask his students that morning ?

Ans- M. Hamel said that he would ask his students on the rules of participles.

11.What were the Prussian soldiers doing that morning ?

Ans- The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field at the back of the saw mill.

12.What according to M.Hamel was the grat fault with Alsace ?

Ans- According to M. Hamel, the great fault with Alsace was that the people there always put off their learning till the next day.

13. How long did M.Hamel tech in th class ?

Ans- M.Hamel taught for forty years in his school.

14. What did M. Hamel want to give his students before going away ?

Ans- M. Hamel wanted to share all his knowledge and give his students all what heknew before going away.

15 What is the theme of the story ‘The Last Lesson’ ?

Ans – The theme of the story ‘The Last Lessson’ is Linguistic chauvinism.

3. What was the commotion that Franz anticipated in the classroom ? [HS - 2013, 15]

Ans- The commotion that Franz anticipated was the great bustle that could be heard from the streets. It was the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud and the teachers great ruler rapping on the table.

4.Why was the lesson called ‘The Last Lesson’?

Ans- The lesson was the last French lesson taken by M.Hamel , as German would be taught in schools of Alsace and Lorraine by the new master who was supposed to come the following day. So, the lesson was called  ‘The Last Lesson’.

5.What hd been put up in the bulletin board ?

Ans- The news had been put up in the bulletin board that an order had come from Berlin. German language was to be imposed on the people of Alsace and Lorraine. Now only  the German teachers will tech German to the French speakimg population.

6.What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day ?

Ans-Franz was expected to be prepared with lessons on participles that day,as M.Hamel had said that he question them on participles.

7.Why did M.Hamel not blame Franz alone for his inability to learn ?

Ans- M.Hamel did not blame Franz alone for his inability to learn. Heblamed the parents who preferred their children to not go to school , but to work on a farm or at the mills. He also blaned himself because he often gave his pupils a holiday or asked them to water his flowers whenever he wanted to go for fishing.


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