English Model Questions paper for Half Yearly Examination-2023 Class-VII Assamese Medium

English Model Questions paper for Half Yearly Examination-2023 Class-VII Assamese Medium


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Class 7 Half Yearly Model Question Paper 2023 in Assamese Medium


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 Model Question Paper For

Half Yearly Examination-2023



Time-3 Hours                                                                            Full Marks-100

1.      Write first eight Lines from the following Poem along with poets name “The Daffodils”


The Daffodils


I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,


2.    Answer the following questions:-

(a)What is a hobby?

Answer:  Activities which give us fun and joy are hobby.

(b) What do hobbies give us?

Answer:  Hobbies gives us fun and joy, fit and Active.

(c) Name a few indoor and outdoor hobbies?

Answer:  Some Indoor hobbies are Collecting stamps and coins, listening to music and reading books etc.

Some Outdoor hobbies are Gardening, travelling, Swimming, trekking, photography etc.

(d)What is a kitchen garden?

Answer: The Kitchen garden means we grow there Vegetables in our garden, as like tomato, Chilli, Ginger, beans etc.

(e)Why did the boys run away from the garden?

Answer: The boy runs away from the garden because they saw ghosts.

(f)What were the names of Mahan’s friends?

Answer: The Name's of Mahen friends, There were Sanju, Nantu, Rinku and Rumon.

 (g)What is meant by the word ‘profession?

Answer: The word 'profession' means the job that we take up to earn money when we grow up.

(h)What was the name of Dune’s brother?

Answer:  Manabendra was the name of Dhunu’s brother.

(i)What made the night appear  more haunting?

Answer: The screeching owl at regular intervals made the night more haunting.

 (j)Where was Anne Frank from?

Answer: Anne Frank was from the Netherlands.

 (k)Who welcomed Anne in the dining room?

Answer: Anne was welcomed by her pet cat "Moortie"

(l) Who dose ‘you’ in the lesson refer to?

Answer: ‘You’ in the lesson refers to Anne’s diary.

(m)Where is Dhunu from?

Answer: Dhunu is from Kalardiya village near Chaigaon in Kamrup district of Assam.

(n)Who made the film village Rock stars?

Answer: Renowned filmmaker Rima Das made the film Village Rockstar.

(o)Why did the village women often scold Dhunu?

Answer: The village women often scold Dhunu because she never behaves like a girl. She climbed trees, swam in the rivers. She used to spend time and play with boys.

3.    Fill in the blanks blanks below with the appropriate wards:-

(a) A person who repairs shoes              .

(b) A person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job ……

(c) A person who repair water pipes             .

(d) A person who can do magic tricks             .

(e) A person who takes care of gardens             .


(a) A person who repairs shoes COBBLER.

(b) A person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job             PILOT.

(c) A person who repair water pipes PLUMBER.

(d) A person who  can do magic tricks MAGICIAN.

(e) A person  who takes care of gardens GARDENER.



4.    Complete these sentences with the correct preposition

i)             Clouds  float           hills and valleys (on/over/by)

ii)            Stars were shining        the  night sky (on/in/over)

iii)          He would often lie  his couch lost in thoughts (on/in/over)

iv)          The D affodils bloomed          a lake, (beneath/beside/between)

v)           They formed a line     the shore of a boy (beneath/along/for)


(i)           Clouds  float  over    hills and valleys (on/over/by)

(ii)          Stars were shining   in      the  night sky (on/in/over)

(iii)        He would often lie   on   his couch lost in thoughts (on/in/over)

(iv)        The Daffodils bloomed    beside  a lake, (beneath/beside/between)

(v)         They formed a line  along     the shore of a boy (beneath/along/for)


5.    What is tense? How many  kinds of Tense, write them?

Answer: Past, present, and future are the three main types of tenses.


6.    What is word? Give two examples.

Answer: Word is a combination of letters formed which is meaningful and to represent something.

For example: carrot, Mango.

7.    What is Sentence? HOW MANY KINDS OF Sentences, write them?

Answer: The four different kinds of sentences in English — declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.

8.    Write an application to your headmaster requesting him to grant your 3 days leave of absent.




The Principal


Sri Sri Sankar Dev High,Lanka


Sub: Grant of three days leave due to fever


Respected Sir,


With due respect, I beg to state that I have been suffering from a fever for the last three days. Consequently, I am not able to attend school. Kindly grant me three days' leave from 28/06/2021 to 30/06/2021.


Thanking you for this act of kindness.


Yours obediently


Subha Das

Class VII

Roll No. 2951


9.    How many Vowels  in the Alphabet and write the vowels

Answer: In the English alphabet, there are five vowels and they are: a, e, i, o, and u.




10. Change the gender:-



God -------- Goddess

Tiger ------- tigress

Mr   -------- Mrs

Poet ------- Poetess

Son ------- Daughter

Sir --------- Madam

Fox -------- Vixen

Horse ------ Mare

King ------- Queen

Man -------- Woman


11. Change the Number :-

Tooth, Life, Mango, Fish, Fox, Child, Ass, Duty, Wife, Play


Tooth ------- Teeth

Life --------- Lives

Mango ------ Mangoes

Fish -------- Fish

Fox --------- Foxes

Child ------- Children

Ass --------- Asses

Duty -------- Duties

Wife -------- Wives

Play -------- Plays



(a) The earth is round. (Turn into Negative)

(b) Rahul is good boy. (Turn into Negative)

(c) We shall read this book. (Turn into Negative)

 (d) They are playing football. (Turn into Negative)  


(a) The earth is not round.

(b) Rahul is not good boy.

(c) We shall not read this book.

(d) They are not playing football.


a) Rina is active. (Turn into interrogative)

b) You have a book. (Turn into interrogative)

c) I am a student. (Turn into interrogative)

d) She can sing well. (Turn into interrogative)


(a)  Is Rina active?

(b)  Have you a book?

(c)  Am I a student?

(d)  Can she sing well?

  14. Translate into English :-

(a) মই সপ্তমমান শ্ৰেণীত পঢ়োঁ।

(b) গাখীৰ বগা।

(c) মানুহজনে খোজ কাঢ়ি আছে।

(d) বেলি পূবফালে ওলাই।

(e) এইখন ভাৰতৰ মানচিত্ৰ

(f)   তোমাৰ নাম কি?


(a) I read in class VII.

(b) Milk is white.

(c) The man is walking.

(d) The sun rises in the east.

(e) This is map of India.

(f)   What is your name?







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Class 7 Half Yearly Model Question Paper 2023 in Assamese Medium


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