General Science Model Questions paper for Half Yearly Examination 2023-2024 Class-10 in English Medium

General Science Model  Questions paper for Half Yearly Examination2023-2024 Class 10 in  English Medium


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Class 10 Half Yearly Model Question Paper 2023 in Assamese Medium


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Model Question Paper For

Half Yearly Examination 2023

General Science

Class: X

Total marks: 100


Design By


Digital Pipal Academy


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Model Question Paper For

Half Yearly Examination-2023

Class: X

Subject: General Science

Time 3 Hours                                                                                                                   Full Marks-100

Total Number of printed pages-

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


1.      For each question given below, four answers are given, Out of four only one answer is correct. select the correct answer:

(a) Fe2O3+2Al Al2O3+2Fe

The above reaction is an example of-

(i)               Combination reaction

(ii)            Double displacement reaction

(iii)          Decomposition reaction

(iv)          Displacement reaction

Answer: (iv) Displacement reaction

(b) The ratio of H2 and O2 produce is the electrolysis of water-

(i)               1:2        (ii) 2:1            (iii) 1:4         (iv) 1:3

Answer: (ii) 2:1

(c) Which of the following metal displaces Cu from CuSO4-

(i)               Ag        (ii) Au             (iii) Zn         (iv) Hg

Answer: (iii) Zn

(d) A solution turn read litmus blue, its pH is likely to be-

(i)               1        (ii) 4               (iii) 5            (iv) 10

Answer: (iv) 10

(e) The gas produces when dilute HCl reacts with 'Fe'is-

(i)               H2      (ii) Cl2            (iii) S            (iv) None of the above

Answer: (i) H2

(f)   What is valency of Innert gasses?

(i)               1        (ii) 2               (iii) 0            (iv) 4

Answer: (iii) 0

(g) Which of the following given the correct increasing order of the atomic radii of O, F and N?

(i)               O,F,N        (ii) N,F,O      (iii) O,N,F   (iv) F,O,N

Answer: (iv) F,O,N

(h) Anaerobic respiration takes place-

(i)               In Mitochondria

(ii)            In Chloroplast

(iii)          In Nucleus

(iv)          In Cytoplasm

Answer: (iv) In Cytoplasm

(i)   Which of the following is a plant hormone-

(I)              Insulin

(II)           Thyroxin

(III)        Ostrogen

(IV)         Cytokinin

Answer: (iv) Cytokinin

(j)   The function of xylem in plant body in-

(i)               Conduction of food

(ii)            Conduction of water

(iii)          Conduction of Amino Acid

(iv)          Conduction of Oxygen

Answer: (ii) Conduction of water

(k) The hormone produced by pancreas which regulate blood sugar level is-

(i)               Adrenaline                            

(ii)            Insulin

(iii)          Thyroxin

(iv)          Testosterone

Answer: (ii) Insulin

(l)   The gap between two neurons is called-

(i)               Axon

(ii)            Dendrite

(iii)          Synapse

(iv)          Impulse

Answer: (iii) Synapse

(m)          The number of chromosomes present in a human cell is-

(i)               23     (ii) 46      (iii) 36       (iv) Non of the above

Answer: (i) 23

(n)When two pea plants, one with yellow and round seeds and the other with green and wrinkled seeds are crossed, the plants of the ‘F2  generations will be obtained in the ratio of-

(i)               1:1                    (ii)3:1

(iii)     9:3:3:1              (IV) 1:1:1:1

Answer: (iii)     9:3:3:1

(o) In case of spherical mirror, the relation among the distance of the object (u), the distance of image (v) and the focal length (f) is-

(i)                                   (ii)

                  (iii)                           (i v)  

Answer: (ii)

(p) Which of the following lenses would you prefer to use while reading small letters found in a dictionary?

(i)               A convex lens of focal length 50 cm

(ii)            A concave lens of focal length 50 cm

(iii)          A convex lens of focal lenght 5 cm

(iv)          A concave lens of focal length 5cm

Answer: (iii) A convex lens of focal lenght 5 cm

(q) The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult with normal vision is about-

(i)               25m         (ii) 2.5m         (iii) 25cm          (iv) 2.5cm

Answer: (iii) 25cm

(r)  A human being with two eyes has a horizontal field of view of about –

(i)               280°        (ii) 150°            (iii) 180°       (iv) 360°

Answer: (iii) 180°

(s)  Which of the following is not an example of a Bio- Mass energy source?

(i)               Wood      (ii) Gobar Gas  (iii) Coal       (iv) Nuclear Energy

Answer: (iv) Nuclear Energy

(t)  What is the percent of Methane present in Bio gas?

(i)               72%        (ii) 75%            (iii) 70%       (iv) 57%

Answer: (ii) 75%


2.      Why do it need to balance chemical equation?

Answer: A chemical equation needs to be balanced so as to make the number of the atoms of the reactants equal to the number of the atoms of the products.

3.      What is pH scale?

Answer: A pH scale is a tool used to measure the pH of a given compound or solution.

4.      What is meant by Neutralization reaction?

Answer:  A chemical reaction in which acid and alkali combine to produce salt and water is called Neutralization reaction.

5.      Which element has two shells both of which are completely filled with electrons?

Answer: Neon is the only element with two shells and both of them completely filled.


6.      What is the atomic number of the element having electronic Configuration is 2.8.7?

Answer: 17

7.      How many groups and periods are there in the modern periodic table?

Answer: There are 18 vertical columns or groups and 7 horizontal rows or periods in the modern periodic table.

8.      Name the element which has twice as many electron in the second shell as in its first shell?

Answer: Carbon has twice as many electrons in its second shell as in its first shell.

9.      Which chamber of human heart receives oxygenated blood from lungs?


10. What is biocatalyst?


11. What is hormone?


12. What do you mean by Reflex action?


13. For which hormone, do the leaves of plant fall?


14. Deficiency of which hormone causes goitre?


15. Who is the father of genetics?


16. What is solar energy?


17. What do you mean by speciation?


18. What is the relation between power of a lens and its focal length?


19. What is converging lens?


20. Define the principal focus of a concave mirror?


21. What is the nature of a lens having power + 5D?


22. What is the difference of time between actual sunset and the apparent sunset?


23. What is the spectrum?


24. Write one characteristic of colloidal solution?


25. What is the required speed of wind for windmill?


26. One example of renewable source of energy is         .




27. A solution of a substance 'x' is used for white washing. (a) Name the substance 'x' and its formula? (b) Write the resection of the substance 'x' with water?


28. Heated a china dish containing about 1g copper powder

(a) What will be the colour of the cu powder?

(b) Write a balance chemical equation of the reaction?


29. Why is respiration considered as exothermic reaction?


30. What is Redox reaction? Give as example?


31. Write the chemical equation of the reaction of plaster of paris and water? Write one important use of plaster of paris?


32. Why should curd and sour substances not be kept is brass and copper vessels?


33. You are given two solution A and B. The pH of solution A is 6 and pH of the solution B is 8. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration? Which of these solutions is acidic and which one is basic?


34. Why the noble gasses are placed in a separate group?


35. Write two limitation of Newland's law of octaves?


36. How are lungs designed is human beings to maximise the area for exchange of gasses?


37. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?


38. Draw the structure of a Neuron?


39. Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with examples?


40. State the laws of Refraction of light?


41. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles?


42. How Rainbow is formed?


43. What is myopia? Write the two causes of myopia?


44. Write two disadvantages of fossils fuel?




45. What is photosynthesis? Write the events that occurs during photosynthesis?


46. How is the sex of the child determined in human beings? Draw the necessary diagram?


47. An object of size 70 mm is placed at 27 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 18 cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed, so that a sharp image can be obtained? Find the nature of the image?


48. A concave lens has focal length of 15 cm. At what distance should the object from the lens be placed so that it forms an image at 10 cm from the lens? What is the nature of the image?



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