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Join Our WhatsApp GroupNCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 1 Real Numbers Exercise 1.3 – Digital Pipal Academy
Digital Pipal Academy offers detailed and easy-to-follow NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 1, Exercise 1.3, covered under the Assam State Board Syllabus 2025-2026. This exercise focuses on the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic and its applications. Our expert faculty provides step-by-step explanations to ensure students understand the concepts thoroughly. These solutions strictly follow NCERT guidelines, helping students prepare effectively and score better in their exams.
Real Number | Solution Link |
Exercise 1.1 (Real Number) | Click Here |
Exercise 1.2 (Real Number) | Click Here |
Exercise 1.3 (Real Number) | Click Here |
Exercise 1.4 (Real Number) | Click Here |
Exercise 1.3
1. Prove that is irrational.
Let, if possible, is a rational number.
where , , and are coprime.
Since 5 divides , it follows that 5 divides .
for some integer .
Since 5 divides , it follows that 5 divides .
Thus, both and are divisible by 5, contradicting that they are coprime.
Hence, our assumption was wrong, proving that is irrational.
2. Prove that is irrational.
Let, if possible, is a rational number.
where , , and are coprime.
Since is a rational number, it follows that is rational.
Since the right-hand side is rational, this contradicts the fact that is irrational.
Thus, our assumption was wrong, proving that is irrational.
3. Prove that the following are irrational:
Let, if possible, is rational.
where , .
Since the right-hand side is rational, this contradicts the fact that is irrational.
Thus, our assumption was wrong, proving that is irrational.
Let, if possible, is rational.
where , .
Since the right-hand side is rational, this contradicts the fact that is irrational.
Thus, our assumption was wrong, proving that is irrational.
Let, if possible, is rational.
where , .
Since is rational, it follows that is rational.
This contradicts the fact that is irrational.
Thus, our assumption was wrong, proving that is irrational.
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Sudev Chandra Das (B.Sc. Mathematics)
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