SCERT Assam Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 3 (Data Handling) Solutions - Exercise 3.4
SCERT Assam Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 3 (Data Handling) Solutions – Exercise 3.4 (2025-26) | Download Free PDF
Students can now access SCERT Assam Solutions for Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 3 – Data Handling (Exercise 3.4, English Medium), designed as per the latest syllabus for the 2025-26 academic session. These solutions, prepared by subject experts at Digital Pipal Academy, help students master advanced data handling techniques effectively.
Topics Covered in Exercise 3.4:
✔ Graphical representation of data –
Understanding and drawing bar graphs, pie charts, and histograms
✔ Interpreting
data from graphs – Analyzing trends and patterns
✔ Real-life
applications of data handling – How data is used in surveys, business, and
daily life
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SCERT Assam Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 3 Data Handling – Exercise 3.4
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SCERT Assam Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Solutions
Exercise | Solution Link |
Exercise 3.1 | Click Here |
Exercise 3.2 | Click Here |
Exercise 3.3 | Click Here |
Exercise 3.4 | Click Here |
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SCERT Assam Class 7 Mathematics Solutions
Chapter 3: Data Handling
Exercise 3.4
Q. 1. Classify the following statements as (i) certain (ii) impossible and (iii) uncertain-[তলত দিয়াবোৰ নিশ্চিতভাৱে ঘটিব, ঘটনাটো অসম্ভৱ, ঘটিব পাৰে কিন্তু নিশ্চিত নহয়। কোনটো শুদ্ধ কোৱা?]
(i) Next year Independence Day will be celebrated on 15th August?( অহা বছৰ স্বাধীনতা দিৱস 15 আগষ্টত উদ্যাপন কৰা হ'ব।)
(ii) If you do well then you will get a prize.
( তুমি ভাল ৰিজাল্ট কৰিলে এটা পুৰস্কাৰ পাবা)
(iii) In the week the day after Wednesday will be Friday.
( অহা সপ্তাহত বুধবাৰৰ পিছৰ দিনটো শুক্রবাৰ হ'ব)
(iv) Your friend will see you today.
( তোমাক আজি বন্ধুজনে দেখা কৰিব)
(v) If you visit the Zoo you will be able to see Dinosaurs.
(তুমি চিৰিয়াখানালৈ গ'লে ডাইন'চৰ দেখা পাবা)
(i) Certain.
(ii) It may happen but it is uncertain.
(iii) Events are impossible.
(iv) It may happen but uncertain..
(v) It is impossible.
Q.2. There are 4 marbles in a container. Out of them one is red, one is yellow, one is black and the last one is white.[এটা পাত্ৰত চাৰিটা মাৰ্বল আছে। এটা ৰঙা, এটা হালধীয়া, এটা ক'লা আৰু এটা বগা ৰঙৰ]
(i) What is the probability of drawing the red marble?
( ৰঙা ৰঙৰ মাৰ্বলটো উলিয়াই অনাৰ সম্ভাবিতা কিমান?)
(ii) What is the probability of drawing the white marble?
( বগা ৰঙৰ মাৰ্বলটো উলিয়াই অনাৰ সম্ভাবিতা কিমান?)
(i) The probability of drawing the red marble is ¼
(ii) The probability of drawing the white marble is ¼
Q.3. Rita, Bobita, Hema, Pushpa and Megha wrote their names on sheets of paper and put them inside a box. Megha draw a sheet of paper from the box. What is the probability of drawing her own name?[ৰীতা, ববিতা, হেমা, পুষ্পা আৰু মেঘাই নিজৰ নিজৰ নামবোৰ কাগজৰ টুকুৰাত লিখি এটা বাকচত ভৰালে। মেঘাই বাকচৰ পৰা এটা নাম উলিয়ালে। তাই নিজৰ নামটো উলিয়াই অনাৰ সম্ভাবিতা কিমান?]
Solution: Total number of students =1/5
so, The probability of drawing her own name = 1/5
Q.4. The letters of the word EDUCATION are written on cards and kept in a bag. What is the probability of getting a vowel from the bag?[ 'EDUCATION' এই শব্দটোৰ পৰা ইংৰাজী স্বৰবৰ্ণখিনি উলিয়াই অনাৰ সম্ভাবিতা কিমান?]
Solution: Vowels are A, E. I, O, U-5
so, The probability of getting vowels from the word 'EDUCATION' = 5/9
Q.5. In a basket there are 4 Mangoes, 3 Pomegranates and 5 Bananas. What is the probability of getting all the bananas from the basket?[এটা পাচিত 4 আম, 3 টা নাচপতি আৰু 5 টা কল আছে। পাচিটোৰ পৰা গোটেইখিনি কল উলিয়াই অনাৰ সম্ভাবিতা কিমান?]
Solution: Total number of fruits = 4 + 3 + 5 = 12 .. The probability of getting all the bananas from the basket = 5/12
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SCERT Assam Class 7 Mathematics Solutions, Assam Board Class 7 Maths, Class 7 Data Handling SCERT Solutions, Class 7 Maths Solutions, Data Handling Exercise 3.4, Free Class 7 Maths Solutions, Free SCERT Solutions, SCERT Books Solution, SCERT Assam Class 7 Maths Solutions, SCERT Assam Solutions, SCERT Class 7 Maths Solutions, SCERT Solutions, SCERT Solutions For Class 7 Maths Data Handling Exercise 3.4, SCERT Solutions For Class 7 Maths, SCERT Solutions For Class 7 Maths Chapter 3.