The Daffodils
1. Did you understand the theme of the poem?
discuss with your teacher the following questions orally. Then, write the answers in your exercise book.
a. Read the first stanza. Then find the answer to the following question: with what does the William Wordsworth compare himself?
Ans- In
the first stanza , the poet William Wordsworth compared himself with the lonely
cloud .
b) Read the second stanza. Now find out the following: with what Wordsworth compare daffodils?
Ans- In the second stanza . Wordsworth compares the daffodils with the stars .
c) Read and recite the third stanza. Now find out what words worth means by jocund company from the options below.
I) happy and cheerful
ii) talkative
iii) quiet and sad
Ans: I) happy and cheerful
d) Read and recite the lines:
'I gazed and gazed but little thought what wealth the show to me had brought."
What wealth the show to me had brought .
What does the poet mean by the word wealth ?
Why does he use the word here ?
Ans- By the word ' Wealth ' the poet means joy and happiness which comes when he saw the golden daffodils .
' Wealth .
The poet used the ' word ' wealth ' here because the scene greatly affected him . it gave an immense pleasure to him . And it remained as a priceless trees we in poet ' s mind which can 't be compared to wealth .
e) read the last stanza of the poem and find out the following information:
What happens to the poet when he lies on his couch in a sad and thoughtful mood?
Ans- When the poet its on his couch in a sad and thoughtful mood , he recalls the memory of the dancing daffodils which he captured earlier in his mind and they takes away all his pain and replace his heart with pleasure .
2) Choose the correct option in each of the following questions:
a) The poet compares himself to
I) a piece of lonely cloud
ii) a host of golden daffodils
iii) a lake
iv) The tress
Ans- a piece of lonely cloud .
b) While wandering alone, the poet saw
I) a crowd of people .
ii) clouds floating over vales and hills .
iii) a host of golden daffodils .
iv) a lake .
Ans- A host of golden daffodils .
c) The poet compares the daffodils to
I) a lonely cloud .
I) a lonely cloud .
iii) The stars in the milky way .
iv) a bay .
Ans- The stars in the milky way .
d) The 'jocund company' referred to is the company of -
I) The daffodils
ii) the sparking waves of the lake.
iii) the dancing daffodils and the waves of the lake .
iv) the stars on the milky way.
Ans- The dancing daffodils and the waves the lake .
e) the inward eye of the poet is the poet's -
I) vacant mood .
ii) thoughtful mood .
iii) imagination .
iv) bliss of solitude.
Ans- Imagination .
3. Read the poem and match the following .
Ans- The waves - danced beside the daffodils .
The poet - saw a host of golden daffodils .
A cloud - Floated over valleys and hills
The daffodils - Stretched in a never ending line
The poet's heart - Filled with pleasure and danced
4. Read the poem again and answer the following Questions -
a) Find a word in stanza . that means ' to roam about -
Ans- Wonder
b) Find out what ' o ' e r ' means . How will you write . The actual word ? ' o ' e r '
Ans- ' o ' e r ' means above . We will write the actual more as ' over ' .
c) Find a word in stanza 2 which means ' a lake ' .
Ans- ' Bay ' .
d) What does the poet refer to when he says ten thousand saw I ' ?
Ans- The poet referred that he saw ten thousand daffodils at a glance .
e) What is sprightly dance ?
Ans- " Sprightly dance " means dancing lively with full of energy . Here , the daffodils are dancing with joy and happiness .
F) Give another word each for ' glee ' and ' jocund ' .
Ans- Glee - Joy .
Jocund - Cheerful .
g) What is out - did in ' out - did the sparking waves ' ?
Ans- Out - did means , the daffodils are looking more beautiful than the sparking waves .
' out -
did means , the daffodils are looking more beautiful than the sparking waves .
h) Give the opposite of the Following words
Vacant - Full
Pleasure - Pain (
Bliss - Misery
5. A
beautiful poem is meant to be recite listen
the teacher reading to you the following pairs of words from the poem . Than
repeat the words after the teacher and practice the pronunciation of each word
. This will help you recite the poem.
a) Wandered - Wondered
b) Breeze - Bridge
c) Shine - Sign
d) Stretched - Stressed
e) They - Day
f) Show - sow
g) flash - flesh
Heart - Hurt
6. Let us go back to the poem once more and note the following .
a) The first line ( 11 ) of the poem ends with cloud .
b) L2 ends with hills.
c) L3 ends with crowd.
d) L4 ends with daffodils.
Note that cloud and crowd are a pair of rhyming words .
Also , Note that hills and daffodils are pair of rhyming words.
Now , make a list of the other rhyming words in the poem .
Ans- Lists of rhyming words
1) Trees - Breeze
2) Shine ) - Line
3) Way - Bay
4) Glance - Dance
5) They - Gay
6) Thought - Brought
7) Lie - Eye
Chose from the box the word rhyming with the underlined word complete the sentence
The sun is Shining and
the girl is Dancing .
ii) The forest is full of green trees and
the flowers are dancing in the cool breeze .
iii) On the top of the bare hill I stand mute and still .
iv) Don't spoil my mood by being so rude .
7. a) Rewrite the following poetic lines in every . Day English .
i) Ten thousand saw t at a glance .
= I saw ten thousand at a glance .
ii) For oft when on my couch T lie in vacant or in pensive mood .
= For often when I lie on my couch in vacant or pensive mood .
iii) Then my heart with pleasure fills .
= Then my heart with pleasure fills .
b) Find two words in the poem that are poetic in from and are not used in prose . Write a sentence illustrating the use of each of the two words .
= Jocund = He is enjoying in such a jocund company .
= Sprightly - She is sprightly for her age .
c) Illustrate the differences in meaning between gaze and stare by writing a sentence using each .
Gaze = Means looking steadily in admiration or surprise.
Stare = Means looking fixedly with eyes wide open
He continued to stare at her .
He shifted his gaze from the child to her .
8. Note that one word in each of the following lines is wrong . Rewrite with extract below by replacing the wrong word with the correct word of the poem .
The trees beside them danced , but they out - did the twinkling waves in glee ; A cloud - could not but be gay .
In such a joyous company .
I gazed - and - gazed but also thought what wealth the sight to me had brought .
Ans- The waves beside them danced , but they out - did the sparkling waves in glee ;
A poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company !
I gazed - and - gazed - but little thought
what wealth the show to me had brought .